Thursday 8 February 2007

Butternut Squash and Chicken Pilaf

I love the spicy flavours in various curry dishes. In this dish, the rice is cooked along with the spices, chicken and vegetables. Most of the ingredients are ones used frequently in Indian cuisine. I often use cubed tofu instead of chicken. This pilaf tastes even better the next day.

Heat 1-2 tablespoons of oil in a wok or skillet
Add 1 tbsp mustard seeds, 1/2 tbsp cumin seeds and 1/2-1 cup chopped onion
Cook the spices and onion in the oil until the seeds start to pop.
Add 1-2 diced chicken breasts
1/2 a cinnamon stick
Dash of cinnamon, turmeric, saffron and cayenne pepper
Handful of raisins and chopped almonds
Add 1 cup basmati rice and make sure rice gets coated in the oil
Fry the ingredients together for a minute or two, then
Add 3 cups water or broth
1 tsp salt (if you use water)
2 cups of vegetables ( I like to use green beans and/or cauliflower)
2 cups diced butternut squash

Cover with a lid and simmer until done and the water is absorbed, about 20 minutes if you use white rice.

Variations for vegetarian versions-
  • I use brown rice if I have extra time as it takes about 40 minutes to cook. I add the vegetables a little later, about half way into the rice cooking time. If I use tofu instead of chicken, I add it with the vegetables.
  • Add 2 -3 tsp miso to the water instead of using broth. Add a package of diced tempeh with the cauliflower and fast cooking vegetables.


i*maginate said...

This is just the kind of food I have (oh, I hate doing the chopping and washing veggies, someone else has to do that!) and it's so natural, wholesome, and exotic too! Delicious!

Ruth said...

I find plain food so boring. It needs colour and spice, just like life does. Chopping and washing can be tedious, but I make larger batches of food so I don't have to do it as often.